A Note About Git Commit Messages

19 Apr 2008

I want to take a moment to elaborate on what makes a well formed commit message. I think the best practices for commit message formatting is one of the little details that makes Git great. Understandably, some of the first commits to rails.git have messages of the really-long-line variety, and I want to expand on why this is a poor practice.

Here’s a model Git commit message:

Capitalized, short (50 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary.  Wrap it to about 72
characters or so.  In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body.  The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the
two together.

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed bug"
or "Fixes bug."  This convention matches up with commit messages generated
by commands like git merge and git revert.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

- Bullet points are okay, too

- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, followed by a
  single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here

- Use a hanging indent

Let’s start with a few of the reasons why wrapping your commit messages to 72 columns is a good thing.

Vim users can meet this requirement by installing my vim-git runtime files, or by simply setting the following option in your git commit message file:

:set textwidth=72

For Textmate, you can adjust the “Wrap Column” option under the view menu, then use ^Q to rewrap paragraphs (be sure there’s a blank line afterwards to avoid mixing in the comments). Here’s a shell command to add 72 to the menu so you don’t have to drag to select each time:

$ defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakWrapColumns '( 40, 72, 78 )'

More important than the mechanics of formatting the body is the practice of having a subject line. As the example indicates, you should shoot for about 50 characters (though this isn’t a hard maximum) and always, always follow it with a blank line. This first line should be a concise summary of the changes introduced by the commit; if there are any technical details that cannot be expressed in these strict size constraints, put them in the body instead. The subject line is used all over Git, oftentimes in truncated form if too long of a message was used. The following are just a handful of examples of where it ends up:

The subject/body distinction may seem unimportant but it’s one of many subtle factors that makes Git history so much more pleasant to work with than Subversion.

Example Git Workflows: Maintaining a Long Lived Topic Branch

18 Apr 2008

In our previous post in the series, we took a look at how a Rails core committer could best pull in a branch submitted by a contributer. Today, we’re going to be looking at things from the opposite side: How a contributer can best maintain a branch intended for pulling.

Note that contrary to the initial assumptions of many, git pull is not necessarily the be-all end-all solution for getting your work included upstream. For simple bug fixes and features, it’s generally easier for all involved if you submit git format-patch --stdout output. The real gains of a merge based workflow come when you start to collaborate with others on a topic branch. Having said that, let’s get on with the example.

Let’s start with the basics. We’ll be using GitHub for the upstream repository in this example. If you haven’t already done, so grab the clone the latest upstream over at GitHub.

$ git clone git://github.com/rails/rails.git
$ cd rails

Next, set up a public repository. With GitHub, this is straightforward: sign in and click the fork button on the rails/rails.git repository page. Once that’s done, take note of your push URL and add it to your repository. Here, we use the name mine, to distinguish it from the origin remote which is the upstream we cloned from.

$ git remote add mine git@github.com:yourname/rails.git

With that set up, we can get to work. Start by checking out a branch for your feature. Below, we use git fetch to download the latest updates, then create a new branch my_wonderful_feature based off the master branch of the remote origin, which is our upstream.

$ git fetch
$ git checkout -b my_wonderful_feature origin/master

Obviously, unless it’s a bug fix or feature targeted for the stable line, we should start by building off the tip of the upstream master branch, right? Well, not necessarily; that’s really a holdover thought process from Subversion. There are several advantages to picking a recent tag like v2.0.2 and building off of that instead:

Of course, this is a trade off, as there are advantages to working on edge as well:

The right choice depends both on your feature and the current state of the upstream. Given that the last release of Rails happened back in Subversion and the next is just around the corner, it generally makes sense right now to base things off of a recent commit. However, once 2.1 hits, I’d seriously advise people to consider branching off of v2.1.0 instead. Even if you do choose the edge route, don’t be afraid to back up a few revisions if the current one has broken tests or otherwise doesn’t suit your needs.

Okay, so you’ve thought it through and decided on origin/master for the my_wonderful_feature branch you’re implementing. You’ve created your branch, done a few commits, and you’re ready to publicize it. Using the mine remote we created earlier, this is a simple process:

$ git push mine my_wonderful_feature

If you want the public branch name to be named differently, that’s a snap too:

$ git push mine my_wonderful_feature:my_humble_request

With that done, your branch is ready to be pulled. Here’s the command a core committer would use to merge your work, which can be mentioned in the Lighthouse ticket, or on #rails-contrib, or however you want to communicate it to the powers that be:

$ git pull git://github.com/yourname/rails.git my_wonderful_feature

Great. So a few days later, you get some feedback, and decide to do some further work on your branch. If you’re a Subversion veteran, your first reaction is probably to update to the latest edge before continuing:

$ git pull
$ git merge origin/master

But wait! Is there a reason you need to update? Frequently updating complicates the history graph and adds noise to the logs:

Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails

There are certainly times when it’s appropriate to merge the latest upstream, like if there are conflicts that need to be resolved before it can be added upstream. When these times come, go ahead and merge, but give a descriptive commit message:

$ git merge v2.0.3 -m 'Synchronize with 2.0.3 release'
$ git merge origin/master -m 'Leverage new Rails.public_path method'
$ git merge origin/master -m 'Resolve conflicts with upstream'

If you’d like to try merging (for example, to test that tests still pass) but discard it when you’re done (for example, you’re planning on doing more work on the branch before publishing), use the following pattern. HEAD@{1} means “the previous commit referenced by HEAD”, that is, the commit before the merge.

$ git merge origin/master
$ rake test
$ git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

All right, you made the needed changes and your contribution was merged upstream. Here’s the syntax to delete a branch from your remote repository so it doesn’t clutter things up:

$ git push mine :my_wonderful_feature

Example Git Workflows: Merging a Contributor via Pull

17 Apr 2008

Welcome to my series of articles providing example workflows for working with the Rails core Git repository. My first post is designed for Rails core committers and explains one way to deal with contributions that come in the form of a Git URL and a branch name.

Based on my interactions with the core, I’d deduced the following are common requirements when merging a contributor’s work, and modeled my example around them:

First, a recommended configuration option. This will add a short summary of the changes a merge introduces to the commit message.

$ git config --global merge.summary true

On to the merge. The first thing we want to do is bring our master branch up to date. The assumption here is that we don’t have any local work done in master: it’s a clean branch tracking the upstream, so that git pull will simply fast forward the latest changes.

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Next, let’s pull in our contributor’s branch.

$ git pull --no-ff --no-commit git://github.com/someone/rails.git branch

We use --no-ff to disallow fast forwarding, even if the remote branch is up to date. This ensures there will always be a merge commit, providing for the paper trail requirement mentioned earlier. The --no-commit option gives us a chance to alter the work tree as part of the merge commit. Putting hefty changes here would be confusing, but it is the perfect chance to make CHANGELOG edits.

$ edit activesupport/CHANGELOG
$ git add activesupport/CHANGELOG

Once the CHANGELOG is to your liking, we are ready to finalize it. The commit message is already in place but feel free to replace it if it doesn’t give a clear picture of what changed.

$ git commit
$ git push

Best Practices for Contributing to Rails with Git

13 Apr 2008

The Ruby on Rails core is now hosted on Git This is great news for Git fans like myself. For those of Rails core contributors who are coming late to the party, here’s a quick list of tips I’ve put together especially for you. This no substitute for a proper tutorial but rather a Rails biased supplement to one.

The first thing you do should be configure a real name and email. By default, Git chooses a default name based on the GECOS data (which is probably right) and a default email based on your login and hostname (which is almost certainly wrong). Best practices dictate you use your real name and email here, not your login, IRC handle, or any other aliases you may have. These fields will be immortalized in the repository history so make sure you get them right.

$ git config --global user.name "Tim Pope"
$ git config --global user.email "foo@gmail.com"

While you’re configuring, you may want to enable coloring for some commands:

$ git config --global color.diff auto
$ git config --global color.status auto
$ git config --global color.branch auto
$ git config --global color.interactive auto

While Git will accept just about any commit message you feed to it, sticking to best practices makes the log a lot easier to work with. A model commit message is shown below.

Short (50 chars or less) summary of changes

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary.  Wrap it to about 72
characters or so.  In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body.  The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the
two together.

Write your commit message in the present tense: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug."  This convention matches up with commit messages generated by
commands like git merge and git revert.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

- Bullet points are okay, too

- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded by a
  single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here

As far as submitting your work to the Rails core, the workflow here is still being fleshed out. For now, either give a public URL and branch where your contribution can be found, or use the following series of commands to get a file that can be easily applied by anyone with the git am command to reconstruct your history locally.

$ git checkout my_funky_branch
$ git rebase origin/master
$ git format-patch --stdout origin/master.. > my_funky_patches

Here’s a tip for keeping up to date: In lieu of using git pull to download the latest changes, use git pull --rebase. Instead of cluttering the history with a merge commit, it reapplies your changes to the latest upstream. The only caveat is that you shouldn’t use this method if you’ve already published the changes to another repository. Doing so would cause problems for anyone who has already downloaded the original commits.

Easy Ruby Examples

03 May 2007

Today I devised a little script to generate Ruby examples showing code and output.

% rubydemo '[1,2,3].inject {|m,o|m+o}'
[1,2,3].inject {|m,o|m+o} #=> 6
% rubydemo 1/0
1/0 #=> #<ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0>

Here’s the script I used for generation. (It could have been one line if I didn’t care so much about exception formatting.)

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
print ARGV.join(" ") + " #=> "
  p(eval(ARGV.join(" "),binding,"(demo)"))
rescue Exception => e
  puts "#<#{e.class}: #{e.message[/.*/]}>"

The real killer app, though, is using it in conjunction with IRC. Here’s the alias I used in Irssi.

/alias rd exec -nosh - -out rubydemo $*

Now I need merely do /rd 2+2 to get a beautifully formatted 2+2 #=> 4 in any conversation.
